Sunday, March 6, 2011


I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted anything here. It's been a long and trying year for us. We are back in the SLC area and staying with my mother until we can get back on our collective feet. It's been a real blessing staying with mom, she is truly a representative of christ on the earth and we love her tons. I am back with Jordan School District driving as a sub and Rick is looking for a job that will allow him to mtake care of us as he has in the past. Our Bishop in Spring Creek told us we would need to humble ourselves in making the move here but I don't think Rick or I really knew what that was going to entail. we are still learning how much we are going to have to give up to start over and sometimes it is really, really hard. When I get sad or down I tryb to think about how much I love my family and I grateful I am to be close to where they are.