Sunday, December 2, 2007


So this is the team after a long day a wrestling. The coaches get them checked in..... remember wrestlers don't eat so there was no stop for food. The team then goes to work out and swim.... no rest for the weary but lights are out at 10:30 PM since they have a 7:00AM weigh in.

Courtney and the kids made it to the hotel and we settled in to watch Shrek 3. It was an ok movie. Lexie and Conner thought it was lots of fun to stay the night with Grandma. Problem was they didn't want to go to sleep. After lots of threats by Courtney to go home we all finally went to sleep. My alarm went off at 5:30 AM so I could shower and get the bus ready to go for 7:00 AM leave time. I found the team in the lobby of the hotel smelling the continental breakfast they provide. I say smelling because of course wrestlers don't eat! I did however and off we went to Layton High School for weigh in. Then I am on stand by till they are done. I wisely went back to the hotel and back to sleep since everyone else was. We all got up about 10:00AM (John had called and cancelled). and went off to visit my cousin that lives in town. We had a nice time visiting until I had to leave to fuel the bus and be ready to go when the team called. Which they did just after I had left Nancy and Darrell's. Lost their matches so it was time to go home. The upside of leaving early was that we got home in time that I could go with Rick and Zac to the Elko Lights in the Sky event. Every year at the Great Basin College campus they hold an event to raise toys for needy families. Local business's donate chili and hot choc. and Santa is there and they have carols around a great big bonfire and the topper of the night are the fireworks. All you have to do is bring a present for a child to donate. It's really cool and the fireworks were amazing. What a great start to the Christmas season. We had such a great time. i was really tickled to make it back in time. Zac talked to Santa twice because he had forgotten to mention a few items to him! So what are you doing special for Christmas? What are your family traditions?


Suzy said...

Thanksgiving at our house was always fun with all my brothers (wrestlers!! They don't eat and they would get really grouchy! I don't miss those days.