Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter visit

We finaly made it SLC Easter weekend to see Greyson and the rest of the family. It was another whirlwind visit getting everything in we could. It was crazy, we shopped, we visited, we shopped some more, we played with Lexi and Conner, we spent time with Mom (not enough as usual) we got to see the family at the Easter gathering. We got to hold Greyson.... I don't want to say that was the best part cause it wouldn't be fair to everyone else..... BUT..... he is the sweetest baby and it was just wonderful to get to hold him and get to know him.

Isn't that an incredible smile? It's one of my favorite pic's of him.......... this one makes it hard to believe he's only 3+ weeks old.

And here's Papa with the kids at the mall indulging in our favorite sport...... shopping!

Ashleigh's parents invited us for Easter dinner. It was a very nice gathering and we all took turns passing Greyson around. Poor kid.... all those people wanting to hold him and make funny faces and noises at him. He was a trooper through it all... snuggling in to each and every circle of arms..........

And can you believe this little girl ate that hotdog? And last but not least.............. Greyson and Grandma.


Suzy said...

New babies are one of my favorite things. I am glad you had the chance to visit everyone.

ChristinaS said...

How adorable is that. What a smile... John must be so proud! Good for him...
Glad you had a good time visiting everyone.. Have to tell everyone that I send my best...