Friday, December 14, 2007

Another First

Courtney was 16 when Zac became a part of our family. In other words we were past all of the childhood firsts in life. Halloween costumes, elementary programs, diapers, potty training, sleepless nights, babysitters. Rick and I were well on our way to 'empty nesters'. Then along came Zac. we have never once regretted our decision to adopt him and call him 'Son'. After all we had been through with him I couldn't just let someone else raise him and never know what happened to him. We love him with all of our hearts! So Zac has been eagerly awaiting all of the childhood adventures and this morning he was brushing his teeth and came in yelling, 'I have a loose tooth!' Ever since he started school and going to the dentist he asks, 'when am I going to have a loose tooth?' I think part of it is the tooth fairy aspect. He has seen his friends get a bundle from the tooth fairy and has eagerly awaited his turn to drain the fairy financially himself (what happened to quarters for teeth?) So being a dutiful mom I had him open his mouth and checked for myself. Sure enough one of his tiny little baby teeth right up front are loose. We'll see how long it takes to actually come out and if Zac thinks it's all that fun after!

Aren't those nice teeth?


Suzy said...

How fun for Zac. I remember crying when Jacob lost his first tooth and now with Grace its like oh just pull it out already!