Wednesday, January 16, 2008

-8 degrees

This is one of those mornings when I don't mind being a substitute and not working. It is officially minus 8 degrees at the Elko airport. Last winter we had 4 to 6 weeks of minus temperatures every day with the coldest being minus 28 with the windchill! I have never been so cold in my whole life! This is the coldest it's been this winter however so I guess I shouldn't complain and the closest I have to actually going outside today will be to take Zac to the bus.

Zac woke up early this morning. Rick and I were watching the news before Rick had to go to work so I had Zac snuggle under Mike & Lonaka's afghan, kind of give it a test drive. He's gone back to sleep and Chance decided that this would be a good time to take a nap with him! Too cute huh?

So what do you do to keep warm when it's freezing out?


ChristinaS said...

HEy lady! Where's mine? Where's mine? Where's mine? I never got one that you made.... LOL

Suzy said...

When it's freezing out, I crawl into my bed with my electric blanket and stay there. Cute picture!