Thursday, January 10, 2008

Snow day

We had a great time yesterday Zac and I. The decision was made to close the schools for the day. We got quite a bit of snow and the fine employees of Elko and Spring Creek just couldn't keep up with it so.......

NO SCHOOL! We did however half to get up and take a friend to work. Her husbands car was stuck in our front yard and she had to go to work. We happen to have-wheel drive on our truck ( I love my truck) so Zac and I volunteered to give Sue a ride. The snow was so deep (how deep was it?) in our driveway that we had a bit of a time just gettinmg out on the road. But we got Sue to work just fine and enjoyed a lazy day. Had to go out in the afternoon and run some errands.

I found these really cute pieces of fleece to make baby blankets for the upcoming babies! I got them at Walmart. as I explained it to Rick you have to buy it when you see it at Walmart. Even more so here4 because it's the only reall place to shop here (sigh) but I think they are just adorable! And I found this flannel......

for burp rags! Now I just have to get them done! What do you do special for new babies?