Monday, April 6, 2009

View from the drivers seat............

After having a really nice visit with Courtney and the kids last wed it was time to head back to Spring Creek. I had taken the Elko HS band to the airport for their trip to DC for the Cherry Blossom festival. And since I was dead-heading home I took the opportunity to go visit Courtney & kids. Mom also stopped by for a bit and I took as many pics as I could. Finaly it was time to head home and I was getting abit tired so I came up with an idea to show whomever what it looks like form the drivers seat when traveling, so i poiited my phone in different directions and snapped! It was kind of fun and helped to keep me awake................... so here's my abstract version of the view from the drivers seat......................

I went back Sunday to pick them up but because there were 3 busses it just wasn't feasable to go early and visit, but I take it where I can get it! The kids are getting So BIG! It was also nice to see mom who we don't get to visit with nearly enough (wel that goes for all the family) I'll get the pics I took of me, mom, Courtney & the kids up soon!


humming fun said...

Should you really be playing with the phone when you are in the drivers seat? Fun blog and we have the same background.