5 yrs ago (wow has it been 5 yrs?) Feb. was a very long emotional month for us. It started with the passing of my father, Howard James Glad... love ya pop! and 3 weeks later we were shocked when we got the phone call that Rick's mom, Dorothy Irene Garrison Clarke Bowlby had fallen to a stroke. We made the emergency trip t
o RI to see her before she left us. The Dr.'s had her on life support, not only to keep her alive until the family could get there but also because she was an organ donor.
Irene & Christina.... what a beautiful picture! I'm not sure when this was taken.... Christina? When was this taken?
I don't have all of my pic's on this computer yet but here are just a few of the memories....

Dad with Nathan circa 2000. Dad always loved being with his grandkids. He always had patience when he talked to them and taught them things. It always touched me the love he had for his family. He would always have time to talk or sit with you. One of the things that I loved doing with Dad was sitting out back at night and looking for satelites in the night sky. we saw some too, one of his favorite sayings was... if you look real close you might just see a deer (that of course was when we were camping) John has picked it up and it's funny to hear him parody his grandfather. He also has picked up grandpa's knack for spotting deer! ANd of course at Christmas listening to Dad read the christmas stories... what a legacy that has become.... it's almost as much fun listening to my brothers and husband read the stories.
Irene also loved her grandchildren very much. One of the few things that made her sad in life was that her grandchildren lived so far away. I know she traveled to Arizona to spend time with Mark and their children frequently and having Christina live close with her son John was wonderful.

So Irene, Dad you are missed, your family loves you dearly and you are still very much a part of our lives. Now it's off to living life again. Katie has a date with the vet to get an x-ray and hopefully find out why she can hardly walk. SHe has been limping on her back legs for the last week and she's not getting any better! Here's Katie when she was young and svelt, after graduating from obedience class. I'm not sure who learned to be more obedient, her or me? So if you're an animal person keep Katie in your prayers today that whatever is going on is not serious... Katie is a senior citizen having turned 9 last month......OK I won't worry too much.... or at least I'll try not to!