Sunday, March 30, 2008

That's my son

It's late and time to go to bed but I had to tell everyone what a great kid I have. It was prayer and bedtime. Rick and I said goodnight to Zac and Rick commented on the tornado like condition of his room. I said yes that was one of Zac and my projects this week (did I mention that it is spring break in Spring Creek this week?). On non school nights Zac is allowed to stay up late, watching cartoons or playing his wii game.... you get the picture (did I also mention you're getting the long version?) ....... after getting in bed with cartoons I told hin he could watch until Mom & Dad went to bed but then it would be lights out. About quarter after nine Zac called his dad in his room and turned on the light. Zac decided on his own to clean his room, He put all the toy's away, organized his video games, organized everything. I was so proud and tickeled that he wanted to do it and please his parents. He really did a good job! I wish I had before and after pictures to show what a great job he did. So instead we'll do an 'Ode to Zac'.................


ChristinaS said...

Wow! Too bad Jw couldn't take notes from Zac. I have to beg Jw to clean his room or bribe. I don't know which is the better term... LOL GREAT JOB ZAC!!!!
Man he is getting huge....