Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Wow has it been 10 days since I posted? It's been a zoo around here the last week or so. KT Contract Services hired me to drive the motor coaches for the mine shuttles and since then I've been doing nothing but drive..... drive...... drive. I drove for them when we first came out to the Elko area so I didn't have to do the whole training but it's been a long week of 12 hour days, riding, driving, another physical, peeing in a cup for UA's twice(different mines require different stuff) and just a bit of sleeping. I feel like the babysitter has seen Zac more than I. In fact I made him just sit on the couch with me last night for about 10 min. So finally today I was told I had dotted all my i's crossed all the t's jumped through just about every hoop that could be thought of and now I can drive a KT motorcoaches and take miners to work. I got a nice warm fuzzy feeling when numerous people told me they had missed me and welcome back. I really did enjoy the challenge of the driving and I think this time around I'm better prepared mentally and physically. After all the trips I've taken with the school district the runs at KT seem like a Sunday drive. I got to do one last Thurs. morning. I took the guys (and gals) to Bald Mountain mine. It's 156 miles round trip and 80 of that is on dirt-haul roads. It's a really beautiful ride being in the middle of no-where you can have the chance to see any number of wild creatures. Last time I drove it we came across a herd of wild mustangs. Thurs. I got to see a couple of golden eagles. It was truly breathtaking. I get to go thee again Fri. morning. It makes getting up @ 1:45 AM worthwhile. I will keep the masses updated as the summer goes along.

Happy Driving one and all........................

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I just looked at my previous post and I think I may have to change my template. I had noticed before that because the post area is opaque it makes the pic's look a bit 'ghost' like but after looking at my Father's Day post i saw that Rick's face disappeared. rick told me that it's OK he doesn't mind but I don't know. I may go looking and see what else I can find or maybe I'll try and change the opaque factor. I've started getting a bit courageous since I checked out some of the help sights! I'm no software person by a long shot so stay tuned!

Happy Father's Day

Hey Happy Father's Day to one & all. Rick had a nice Father's Day. He got to sleep in, no breakfast in bed but we took the boat out on South Fork Reservoir and had a great time. Chance got to go swimming for the first time. He didn't like being thrown off the boat but once he was wet he had a great time.

Zac of course had to get in the water also. He is definitely our water child. I don't think I can call him our water baby anymore cause he's 7 now. He had bunches of fun but kept insisting he wasn't cold even though his teeth were chattering up a storm!
Zac also found some new friends to play in the water with. So as I've often said a good time was had by all.
How was your fathers day? Did you get breakfast in bed?
I also have to add that I love my dad a lot. I also miss him a whole lot. These are the times when I think of him and all that he was in my life... being there no matter what, loving me no matter what, offering advise and his infinite wisdom and of course 'the reality is...............'
Miss you Pop!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Water, water everywhere

Yesterday was Zac's b-day and today we had a party for him. He had a water party. Which was great because it is finally warm enough to be considered summer and today was 85 degrees. Perfect temp. for having fun in the water.

So after playing a variety of water games..............

And some trampoline games, everyone went home happy and tired. Now that's what I call a successful birthday party. Don't you?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Zac

Yes the day has arrived! Zac is 7 today. And what better day than Friday the 13th. We've been counting down the days for months now. Zac is still learning time frames in 'how many bedtimes?' At school they learned the days of the week but for Zac it is still 'how many bedtimes' until the desired event. Zac awoke early and came in happy as could be and announced 'It's my birthday!' He crawled up in bed with me and we chatted for a few minutes and then both went back to sleep for an hour. It was really cute when he woke up because he looked at me like 'is this a dream? Is it really my birthday?' We had a pretty quiet day. Zac went to a friends house to play while I ran some errands and got his b-day stuff. He's having a water games party tomorrow, it's finally hot enough to have one so he's going to really like it, besides the fact that he loves paying in the water. And as you can tell from the pic we got him a trampoline for his present. He loves it! He's got quite a few friends here that have them and he has a blast when he goes to their respective houses to play. By the way that's Zac's Hulk imitation. Yes we got the tramp put together this evening and tested it out before it got too dark.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fate steps in

So last week was an incredible let down, after driving over 900 miles we returned home with no motorcycle for Rick. We spent a quiet weekend doing what we always do after a long trip....... catching up...... the laundry.....sleep........
luckily the house was clean when we left so there wasn't much of that to do. And then Monday rolled around. We set off to run a few errands and happened to pass Ship Cycles. They had numerous 4-wheelers and such out front but there in the big display window was..........
you guessed it..... a motorcycle. And not just any motorcycle..... A Harley. So we went in to look and dream. Then we got to talking to the owner about our adventure and his reaction was the same as everyone else we'd talked to...... you gotta been kidding! He showed us a Harley Davidson Sportster 883, Rick fell in love. Yes after all that stuff over the week we ended up buying a motorcycle in our own backyard!

So enjoy a few pic's of Rick's new bike sitting in our very own driveway

After it was all over and done with I told Rick he should have taken a hint from the mud flaps on my truck from the very start........ you guessed it, they say........ Harley Davidson.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Spring Creek or Bust

We left here wed. night excited for an adventure of a lifetime (ok, so this year's adventure) Rick had found the motorcycle he wants for the right price so we went on a road trip to Cedar City, Utah,about 400 miles from Spring Creek. I packed everything and Rick took off early from work so we could get there earlier. We had a room reserved at the Cedar City Days Inn. Now Zac has never stayed at a hotel before so he was curious about how that all worked. We stopped in Ely, NV which is the halfway point for a potty break and snacks. Rick called George the owner of his Yamaha 1100 and told him we were on the way, that we were staying in Cedar City and what time could Rick call him in the morning? So the phone rings about 20 min. later... it was George.... he says to Rick 'I have a predicament' the guy had sold the motorcycle after telling Rick he wouldn't show it to anyone else before thurs. afternoon. I can not begin to explain how upset Rick was! Here we were over half way to Cedar City, it was too late to call the hotel and cancel the reservation..... you get the picture? So we went to Cedar City, stayed what was left of the night, had breakfast and headed to SLC. The adventure of the year had turned into a nightmare. We stayed with Courtney. We looked thurs. afternoon and most of Fri. but the bikes we looked at were just that much more $ than we planned on spending. On top of all this Katie went into heat the day before we left............ and Chance discovered he is a male dog. So during all of this I am trying to keep them apart! Needless to say after all the stress.... not sleeping.... not finding a motorcycle.... I told Rick I wanted to just go home. There were a lot of reasons why and I was really tired and the whole reason for going had been busted so lets go home and have the rest of the weekend. So we did and here we are spending a quiet sat. just the 3 of us... and Katie the dog in heat and Chance the boy dog going after her every 'chance' he gets! So how was your week?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Motorcycle road trip!

Well we're off to Cedar City in about 3 hrs. Rick has finally found the motorcycle he wants for the right price. He's been looking for the last month after working all that overtime on the shut down. Did I mention what a 'shut down' is? It's when they do all the work on the gold processing machines that can't be done while the mine is working it's normal processing process. Now is that clear? Anyway the pic I just posted is the one from the add. It's a Yamaha V-Star 1100 custom. I googled our trip and it's about 400 miles to Cedar City from here and then we're heading to SLC for the weekend. So I'll keep you all updated!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Spring Creek Marina

Today the Southside Elem. tutor kids went to the Spring Creek Marina to go fishing. Quite a few of them had never been fishing before so Joe the wildlife guy explained the finer points of putting worms on a hook and not eating the powerbait. A great time was had by all and even some fishies got caught!

Even the ducks had fun watching the kids and looking for handouts from the hot dog lunch.


Of course after posting about being frustrated I finaly got it to load! Yea!!!!!!!!!!

Blogger frustration

I spent most of the day Thurs. trying to upload a new template for my blog. I had used an outside template for the longest time and wanted to put a new one up. I kept getting an error code....... then I went to the various help places to try and figure it out.................... to no avail! I have been SO frustrated. It was the same site I got a template from back in jan. or feb. but now the program wouldn't let me load it. AARRGGHH! I tried again fri. still no luck. I emailed the error code to blogger like it told me to but they don't give you any help, just report it. So now it's back to the old template till I can hopefully figure it out. Oh well