Sunday, January 13, 2008


Like many Americans we spent most of this weekend watching the Football playoffs. Rick and I are Washington Redskin fans (Rick lived in the DC area for about 15 yrs.) and our second team is the New England Patriots (go Pats undefeated) I often wonder why football player parents name their kids such weird names.... Plaxico,Tiki, Marion, Peyton....just to name a few. It was a good football weekend with most of the teams we wanted to win winning! But alas it also means the season is almost over.
OK on to business..... Suzy tagged me with the 5 things questions so...
5 things I was doing 10 yrs ago.... that was along time ago. It was the beginning of 1998. It was the year ............
Rick's brother passed away
We went to the Temple for the first time
We hiked to legendary Mary's lake in Yellowstone with Mom & Dad
Alaina and Brianna were born (does that count for 2?)
Rick and I celebrated 5 yrs together.

5 things on my to do list...........
get the baby blankets done.
finish Mike & Lonaka's afghan (I did this weekend)
get my desk cleaned and organized
just be more organized in general.

5 of my favorite snacks............
anything dark chocolate...ok chocolate in general
kettle corn popcorn
rice crispy treats
chocolate turtle cookies
egg rolls or spring rolls

5 things I'd do if I were a billionaire........
pay off all my debts (go figure)
pay off all of my loved ones debts (go figure)
I don't think I'd retire but we would live a much nicer life financially
buy a few more dogs

5 places I've lived...........
SLC, Uath
Ogden, Kansas
Muldrow, OK
Newport, R.I.
Spring Creek, Nevada.....ok that's 6

5 jobs I've held.......................
Dog kennel cleaner
Shoe salesperson
Alteration person for a dry cleaners
Motor Coach Operator for the mine shuttles
School Bus Driver

does that make any of my life interesting? I think some of it has been.

so the only person I can 'tag' is Christina.... so TAG


ChristinaS said...

All set. I answered them all and then tagged another.. Thanks for the fun!
Glad to know at least we like the same football team.. We like the Pats here. Looking forward to seeing them at the Super Bowl. Keep fingers crossed... Then again we may jinx it.. lol
write more later. HUGS

Suzy said...

Thanks for playing! It's fun to get to know each other better!