Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sub driver

being a sub driver for the ECSD has a few perks. Zac's bus driver went on vacation for a week and guess who gets to take him to school? Yup, me. I've had alot of fun the last couple of days spending just s bit more time with my youngest son. He gives me a hug & kiss each morning when we get to school. Lori's route is fairly simple also so it's just cherry! I'm home by five and don't have to leave the house till six in the AM. Different than all the trips I've been taking the last month. Although they will start back up in a few weeks when basketball and wrestling start up. Rick has been suffering with the cold I had about a month ago... long incubation time? or new one? He's been miserable all week and now we're having a quiet recuperate weekend, which is just fine with me because I don't have any ambition either. Sometimes it's nice just to hang out with each other and no other demands. Are you having a quiet weekend?


Suzy said...

That sounds good - we really need a weekend like that! Maybe in January...